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Become a Robotics Software Engineer Online course

Price: 6.00 USD | Size: 5.5 GB | Duration : 19 +  Hours | 550 Video Lessons |  ★★★★★  4.5 BRAND : Expert TRAINING | ENGLISH | INSTANT DOWNLOAD Become a Robotics Software Engineer Online course  Course  Details Course OVERVIEW - WHY SHOULD I TAKE THIS Course? Why should I Buy This Course? Demand for software engineers with advanced robotics skills far exceeds the current supply of qualified talent. This makes this an ideal time to pursue career advancement in this field, and this Course represents a great opportunity to develop and practice core robotics skills such as C++, ROS, and probabilistic robotics algorithms such as Localization, Mapping, SLAM, Path Planning and Navigation. You will graduate from this Nanodegree Course having completed five hands-on robotics projects in the Gazebo simulator; these will serve as portfolio pieces demonstrating your acquired skills to hiring managers and recruiters. These skills will help you pursue and advance a career in the robotics field. What